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Yii PHP framework

Today I started testing Yii framework. I have previous experience with
CodeIgniter so this will be a nice comparison.

I got a hold on to basic concepts, and first thing that made me stuck
for a while was doing the proper URL redirection to create SEO links
instead of index.php?r=controller/action. I set up .htaccess without
much trouble, but It turned out that default applicaiton generated by
Yii is missing this line in website/protected/config/main.php:

‘urlManager’=>array( ‘urlFormat’=>’path’, ‘showScriptName’=>false, ),

The line should be placed in ‘components’ section, at the same depth
as ‘log’ or ‘user’. All this using Yii 1.0, newer versions might have fixed it.

Stay tuned for more Yii experiences as I move along with the project.

Milan Babuškov, 2009-11-02
Copyright © Milan Babuškov 2006-2025